Mathml native

Some MathML examples.

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  <meta charset="utf-8">


  <math xmlns="">
        <cn> 0 </cn>
        <cn> 1 </cn>
        <cn> 0 </cn>
        <cn> 0 </cn>
        <cn> 0 </cn>
        <cn> 1 </cn>
        <cn> 1 </cn>
        <cn> 0 </cn>
        <cn> 0 </cn>

  <math xmlns="">
      <in />
      <cn type="complex-cartesian">17
        <sep />29</cn>
      <complexes />

      <plus />
      <cn type="real"> 4.56 </cn>
      <cn type="integer"> 4.56 </cn>
      <cn type="rational"> 4
        <sep /> 5
      <cn type="complex-cartesian"> 4
        <sep /> 5
      <cn type="complex-polar"> 4.56
        <sep /> 4.56
      <cn type="constant"> &pi; </cn>
      <cn> &ExponentialE; </cn>
      <cn> &ee; </cn>
      <cn> &ImaginaryI; </cn>
      <cn> &ii; </cn>
      <cn> &gamma; </cn>
      <cn> &infin; </cn>

      <approx />
      <cn type="rational"> 22
        <sep /> 7
      <cn type="constant"> &pi; </cn>

  <math xmlns="">
      <mfenced close=")" open="(">
              <mspace width="1em" />
              <mspace width="1em" />
              <mspace width="1em" />
              <mspace width="1em" />
              <mspace width="1em" />
              <mspace width="1em" />
              <mspace width="1em" />
              <mspace width="1em" />
              <mspace width="1em" />
      <mfenced close=")" open="(">
      <mfenced close=")" open="(">

  <math xmlns="">
    <mrow xmlns="">
          <mspace />
          <mfenced open=" " close=" ">
              <mo> </mo>
  <math xmlns="" display='block' indentalign='left'>
    <mo linebreak='newline' linebreakstyle='before' indentshift='2.6em'>=</mo>
      <mfenced separators=''>
      <mfenced separators=''>

  <math xmlns="" display='block' indentalign='left'>
          <mphantom style='border: 2px solid #000; padding: 5px;'>

      <mtable columnalign="left">
                    <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
                  <mo> + </mo>
                <mo> + </mo>
                <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
              <mo> + </mo>
              <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
            <mi> c</mi>
            <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
                <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
              <mo> + </mo>
            <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
            <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2ex"></mspace>
              <mtext mathcolor="red" mathsize="10pt">Divide out leading coefficient.</mtext>
                  <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
                <mo> + </mo>
                <mo> + </mo>
            <mo> + </mo>
            <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2ex"></mspace>
              <mtext mathcolor="red" mathsize="10pt">Complete the square.</mtext>
                <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
                <mo> + </mo>
                <mo> + </mo>
                    <mo> - </mo>
              <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2ex"></mspace>
                <mtext mathcolor="red" mathsize="10pt">Discriminant revealed.</mtext>
                <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
                    <mo> + </mo>
                    <mo> - </mo>
              <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2ex"></mspace>
                <mtext mathcolor="red" mathsize="10pt"></mtext>
                <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
                  <mo> + </mo>
                      <mo> - </mo>
              <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2ex"></mspace>
                <mtext mathcolor="red" mathsize="10pt"></mtext>
                <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
                      <mo> - </mo>
              <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2ex"></mspace>
                <mtext mathcolor="red" mathsize="10pt">There's the vertex formula.</mtext>
                <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2.5ex"></mspace>
                    <mi> b</mi>
                      <mo> - </mo>
              <mspace depth="1ex" height="0.5ex" width="2ex"></mspace>
                <mtext mathcolor="red" mathsize="10pt"></mtext>



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    border: 1px solid blue;
    padding: 1em;
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    display: block;
    text-align: left;