About this site
The author and maintainer of this site is not affiliated with any company or vendor. All opinions expressed on this page are those of the author and maintainer based on years-long research and experience with a variety of tools. All results are based on experience and research. If you object to any of the results or opinions expressed, please get in touch to discuss or rectify the issue. I am happy to discuss specific details and accept contributions for improving the site over time.
This site is a private project by Andreas Jung.

Andreas Jung is the founder of ZOPYX Limited. Upon completing his studies in computer science and electrical engineering at the University of Saarland, Andreas pursued a career in electronic publishing, gaining experience with a variety of publishers and in a variety of roles (Infeurope, Saarbrücker Zeitung Publishing House and Printing Press, Haufe-Lexware GmbH). Andreas founded ZOPYX Limited in 2004. He has been implementing sophisticated solutions for web portals (intranet, internet, extranet), electronic publishing and diverse individual software developments ever since.
Legal information and privacy statement
Contribute & participate
The print-css.rocks project is an open platform for spreading the word about CSS Paged Media and Print CSS. Please feel free to contribute further lessons and showcases and to point other users to documentation, resources, etc. You can contact me directly or fork the project on Github and send me some pull requests. print-css.rocks is intended as a living, growing project for the Print CSS community.

print-css.rocks by Andreas Jung is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on works available at https://github.com/zopyx/print-css-rocks.
Professional support
Professional and commercial support is available from the maintainer of print-css.rocks project, Andreas Jung.
- Professional support, training and consulting [EN]
- Professionelle Unterstützung, Training und Beratung [DE]